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한국전기화학회 한국전기화학회


Editorial Board

Sungyool Bong

Associate Editors
Area Information
Secondary battery Ji Heon Ryu

Tech University of Korea
Electroanalytical chemistry and sensor Minjee Seo

Korea National University of Education
Physical electrochemistry Donghoon Han

The Catholic University of Korea
Electrolysis HyungKuk Ju

Dankook University
Environmental and electrochemical engineering Younghyun Cho

Soonchunhyang University
Electrochemical conversion, Corrosion and surface treatment Yong-Wook Choi

Korea Institute of Industrial Technology
Supercapacitor, Mechano-electrochemical energy harvesting Changsoon Choi

Hanyang University

International Advisory Board
Ralph J. Brodd Broddarp of Nevada, USA
Meilin Liu Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Tetsuya Osaka Waseda University, JAPAN
Krishnan Rajeshwar University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Josh Thomas Uppsala University, SWEDEN
Gordon Wallace University of Wollongong, AUSTRALIA

Editorial Board
Won-kyoung Choi Dankook University
Chil-Hun Doh Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute
Hun-Gi Hong Seoul National University
Young-Sik Hong Seoul National University of Education
Doo Hwan Jung Korea Institute of Energy Research
Chan Kang Chonbuk National University
Ick-Jun Kim Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute
Chang Woo Lee Kyung Hee University
Choong-Gon Lee Hanbat National University
Hye Jin Lee Kyungpook National University
Jong-Heun Lee Korea University
Sung Man Lee Kangwon National University
Won-Yong Lee Yonsei University
Jin Soo Park Sangmyung University
Yong Joon Park Kyonggi University
Myung-Ho Pyo Sunchon National University
Bruno Scrosati University of Rome
Jong-Tae Son Korea National University of Transportation
Woonsup Shin Sogang University
Gordon Wallace University of Wollongong
Taehyun Yang Korea Institute of Energy Research
Sang Hoon Kim KIST
Yang-Rae Kim Kwangwoon University
Jiwon Kim Institute for Advanced Engineering(IAE)
Ji Heon Ryu Korea Polytechnic University
Dong-Won Park Gwangju Jeonnam Research Institute
Jin Soo Park Sangmyung University
Keeyoung Jung RIST
Sung Mook Choi KIMS
Sungjun Hong KIER

Editorial Office
  • The Korean Electrochemical Society

    E-mail :
    Tel. : +82-2-568-9392
    Fax : +82-2-568-5931

Aims & Scope

Journal of the Korean Electrochemical Society (JKES) is the official journal of the Korean Electrochemical Society (KECS). JKES provides an interdisciplinary forum on all aspects of science and technology in the field of electrochemistry. Topics of this journal include:

  • - Physical electrochemistry
  • - Electroanalytical chemistry and sensor technology
  • - Organic and biological electrochemistry
  • - Environmental and electrochemical engineering
  • - Corrosion and surface treatment
  • - Electronic and ionic materials
  • - Electrolysis
  • - Batteries and electrochemical capacitors
  • - Fuel cells
  • - Solar cells

  • pISSN: 1229-1935
  • eISSN: 2288-9000
  • Issue(Frequency): 4/year
  • Type: Journal
  • Language: English, Korean
  • Abbreviated Title: J. Korean Electrochem. Soc.
  • History: v1 n1 Dec. 1998
  • 연구재단등재지: Since 2005

JKES supports Open Access with free of charge for both authors and readers.



  • 사업자등록번호: 209-82-06548
  • 사업자명: (사)한국전기화학회
  • 대표자: 이재준
  • 주소: 02566 서울특별시 동대문구 왕산로 122(용두동, 한방천하 포스빌 1715호)
  • 대표전화: +82-2-568-9392
  • 자주하는 질문 (FAQ)
  • 전자우편: (대표)