Vol.17, No.3, August 2014
Recent Progress in Layer-by-layer Assembly of Nanomaterials for
Electrochemical Energy Storage Applications
Sung Yeol Kim*
The Structural Stability and Electrochemical Properties of
Fe Doped Li[Ni0.575Co0.1Mn0.325]O2Fe을 도핑한 Li[Ni0.575Co0.1Mn0.325]O2의 구조적인
안정성 및전기화학적 특성
Su-Bin Yang, Gi-Won Yoo, Byeong-Chan Jang, and Jong-Tae Son*
Trifluoropropyltrimethoxysilane as an Electrolyte Additive to
Enhance the Cycling Performances of Lithium-Ion CellsTrifluoropropyltrimethoxysilane 전해질 첨가제를 이용한
리튬이온전지의 싸이클 특성 향상
Won-Kyung Shin, Se-Mi Park, and Dong-Won Kim*
The electrochemical studies of non-enzymatic glucose sensor on the
nickel nanoparticle-deposited ITO electrodeITO 전극 위에 고정된 니켈 나노 입자를 이용한 무효소
혈당센서에 관한 전기화학적인 연구
In-Don Oh1, Samantha Kim2, and Young-Bong Choi1*
Electrochemical Immunoassay based on the Dopamine-antigen
Conjugate for Detecting Hippuric Acid항원인 마뇨산에 결합된 도파민을 이용한
전기화학적 면역 분석법
Young-Bong Choi1, Won-Yong Jeon2, and Hyug-Han Kim1*
Physioelectrochemical Investigation of Electrocatalytic Activity of
Modified Carbon Paste Electrode in Alcohol Oxidation as
Anode in Fuel Cell
Javad Shabani-Shayeh1*, Ali Ehsani2, and Majid Jafarian1
Electrochemical Property of CNT/Co3O4 Nanocomposite
for Anode of Lithium Batteries리튬 이차전지 음극용 CNT/Co3O4 나노복합체의
전기화학적 특성
Dae Ho Yoon and Yong Joon Park*
Study on Power Characteristics in the PEMFC Parallel Channel with
Baffles through Numerical Analysis전산해석을 통한 PEMFC 평행 유로에서
Baffle에 의한 출력특성 분석
Oh-Jung Kwon1, Chang-Mook Oh2, Hee-Sun Shin3, and Byeong Soo Oh4*
Highly Durable Pt catalyst Supported on the Hybrid Carbon
Materials for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell탄소계 복합담지체에 담지된 고내구성 고분자전해질
연료전지용 백금촉매
Hyang Jin Park and Seung Hyun Hur*