Vol.9, No.2, May 2006
Preparation and Electrochemical Characterization of SnO2/Ti Electrode by Coating Method코팅 방법에 따른 SnO2/Ti 전극의 제조 및 전기화학적 특성
Han-Joo Kim, Won-Keun Son, Ji-Sook Hong, Tae-Il Kim, Soo-Gil Park
Electrochemical Properties of Al Doped Li(Ni1/3Co1/3Mn1/3-xAlx)O2, Cathode Materials알루미늄이 첨가된 Li(Ni1/3Co1/3Mn1/3-xAlx)O2 양극활물질의 전기화학적 특성
Seon-Hye Kim, Kwang-Bo Shim, Chang-Sam Kim
Applications of Micro-Droplet Cell to Study of Localized Corrosion Resistance of Stainless Steels스테인리스강의 국부부식 저항성 연구에 미세방울셀의 응용
Sung-Yu Kim, Hee-San Kim
Effect of Anodic Gas Compositions on the Overpotential in a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell
C.G. Lee, D.H. Kim, S.W. Hong, S.H. Park, H.C. Lim
Local Anodization on Si surface Using Scanning Probe Microscope; Effects of Tip Voltage, Deflection Setpoint, and Tip Velocity on Line Height주사탐침현미경을 이용한 Si 표면 국부 산화피막 형성시 선 높이에 대한 탐침 전위, 편향 셋포인트, 탐침 속도의 영향
Chang-Hwan Kim, Jeong-Woo Choi, Woon-Sup Shin
Characterization of Nafion/Poly(ether(amino sulfone)) Acid-base Blend Polymer Electrolyte Membranes for Direct Dimethyl Ether Fuel CellNafion/poly(ether(amino sulfone)) 산-염기 블렌드 전해질막을 이용한 디메틸 에테르 직접연료전지 특성연구
Sun-Mi Park, Won-Choon Choi, Seung-Eun Nam, Kew-Ho Lee, Se-Young Oh, Chang-Jin Lee, Yong-Ku Kang
Electrochemical Study of a Single Particle of Active Material for Secondary Battery using the Microelectrode마이크로 전극에 의한 2차 전지용 활물질 단일 입자의 전기화학적 평가
Ho-Sung Kim, Choong-Gon Lee