Vol.2, No.1, February 1999
The characteristics of polymer electrolyte for lithium polymer battery
Soo-Gil Park, Jong-Eun Park, Ju-Seong Lee
Synthesis of polycrystalline powder of via the PVA-precursor method : the effect of synthetic variation on the electrochemical property of the lithium ion batteryPVA-전구체법을 적용한 다결정성 분말의 합성 : 합성조건에 따른 리튬이온전지의 전기화학적 특성 고찰
Sue Joo Kim, Me Young Song, Hye Young Kwon, Seon Hui Park, Dong Gon Park, Ho-Jin Kweon
A study on the analysis of bipolar packed-bed electrode reactor for complex reactions복잡반응에 대한 복극성 고정층 전극반응기 해석
Hark-Joon Kim
Porous silicon : a new material for microsensors and microactuators다공질 실리콘: 새로운 마이크로센서 및 마이크로액추에이터 재료
Nam Ki Min, Chi-Woo Lee, Woo Sik Jeong, Dong Il Kim
Analysis on the Langmuir adsorption isotherm at the electrolyte interface using the ac impedance measurement and phase-shift method전해질 계면에서 교류임피던스 측정과 위상이동 방법에 의한 Langmuir 흡착등온식 해석
Jang Ho Chun, Sung Chil Cho, Kwang Chul Son
Investigation of the electrode reaction of cytochrome c and pyrroliquinoline quinone at self-assembled monolayers of amino acid
Imsook Kim, Juhyoun Kwak
Characterization of immobilized laccase and its catalytic activities고정된 laccase의 특성 및 촉매효과
Kyung Hee Hyung, Woonsup Shin
Lithium intercalation into a plasma-enhanced-chemical-vapour-deposited carbon film electrode
Su-II Pyun
Charge/discharge characteristics of thin film prepared by electron-beam evaporation with deposition rate and annealing temperaturesElectron-beam 증발법으로부터 증착속도 및 열처리 온도에 따른 박막의 충방전 특성
S.C. Nam, W.I. Cho, B.W. Cho, K.S. Yun, H.S. Chun