Eun-Gi Shim, Chil-Hoon Doh, Seong-In Moon, Young-Gi Hwang심은기, 도칠훈, 문성인, 황영기
Battery Research Group, Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute, Changwon 641-120, Korea
Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyungnam University, Masan 631-701, Korea한국전기연구원 전지연구그룹, 경남대학교 화학공학과
In an aluminum-air unit cell used alkaline solution, Hydrogen evolution rates were investigated for the
observation of the effects of alloy element, inhibitor and its concentration in electrolyte, KOH concentration, solution
temperature, and current densi
Keyword : Alumium-air battery, Hydrogen evolution rate, Alloy, Inhibitor