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한국전기화학회 한국전기화학회


Vol.21, No.2, May 2018

Analysis on Adhesion Properties of Composite Electrodes for Lithium Secondary Batteries using SAICASSAICAS를 이용한 리튬이차전지용 복합전극 결착특성 분석
JKES Vol.21, No.2, pp.28-38, May 2018
DOI : 10.5229/JKES.2018.21.2.28
Seoungwoo Byun1, Youngjoon Roh1, Dahee Jin2, Myung-Hyun Ryou2**, and Yong Min Lee1*변승우1·노영준1·진다희2·유명현2**·이용민1*
1Department of Energy Science and Engineering, Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST) 2Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Hanbat National University1대구경북과학기술원 에너지공학전공, 2한밭대학교 화학생명공학과
Although the adhesion properties of composite electrodes are important for securing long-term reliability and realizing high energy density of lithium secondary batteries, related research has not been carried out extensively due to the limitation of measurement technology. However, surface and interfacial cutting analysis system(SAICAS), which can measure the adhesion properties while cutting and peeling a coating layer of 1~1000 μm thickness, has been developed and applied for analyzing the adhesion properties of composite electrodes for lithium secondary batteries. Thus, this review presents not only the principle and measurement method of SAICAS but also comparison results between SAICAS and conventional peel test. In addition, application examples of SAICAS are introduced in the study of electrode design optimization, new binder derivation study, and binder distribution in composite electrode. This suggests that SAICAS is an analytical method that can be easily applied to investigate the adhesion properties of composite electrodes for lithium secondary batteries.
Keyword : SAICAS, Cutting and Peeling, Interface, Adhesion Properties, Lithium Secondary Battery

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