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한국전기화학회 한국전기화학회


Vol.18, No.2, May 2015

Electrochemical Reduction of Perchlorate Ion on Porous Carbon Electrodes Deposited with Iron Nanoparticles영가철 나노 입자가 전착된 다공성 탄소전극을 이용한 과염소산 이온의 전기화학적 환원
JKES Vol.18, No.2, pp.81-85, May 2015
DOI : 10.5229/JKES.2015.18.2.81
Insook Rhee1, Eun Yong Kim2, Bokyoung Lee3, and Ki-Jung Paeng2,*이인숙1·김은영2·이보경3·팽기정2,*
1Department of Chemistry, Seoul Women’s University, Seoul 139-774, Korea 2Department of Chemistry, Yonsei University, Wonju, 220-710, Korea 3University College, Yonsei University, Seoul, 120-749, Korea1서울여자대학교 화학과, 2연세대학교 화학과, 3연세대학교 학부대학
A method for degradation of the perchlorate anion (ClO4 -) has been studied using electrochemically generated zero-valent iron (ZVI) deposited on a porous carbon electrode. The first strategy of this study is to produce the ZVI via the electrochemical reduction of iron (II) on a porous carbon electrode coated with a conducting polymer, instead of employing expensive NaBH4. The present method produced well distributed ZVI on conducting polymer (polypyrrole thin film) and increased surface area. ZVI surface can be regenerated easily for successive reduction. The second strategy is to apply a mild reducing condition (-0.3 V) to enhance the efficiency of the degradation of perchlorate with ZVI without the evolution of hydrogen. The electrochemically generated ZVI nanoparticles may offer an alternative means for the complete destruction perchlorate without evolution of hydrogen in water with high efficiency and at low cost.
Keyword : perchlorate, electrochemical reduction, zero-valent iron, porous carbon electrode

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