Sun Young Lee, Eun Hee Cha, Sun Il Mho, Jeh Beck Ju, Won Il Cho이선영, 차은희, 모선일, 주재백, 조원일
Center for Energy Convergence Research, Korea Institute of Science and Technology,
Hwarangno 14-gil 5, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-791, Korea
Department of Chemical Engineering, Hongik University, Seoul 121-791, Korea
Department of Chemistry, Hoseo University,한국과학기술연구원 에너지융합연구단, 홍익대학교 화학공학과,
호서대학교 화학과, 아주대학교 에너지시스템학부
Carbon-supported manganese oxide composite were fabricated as an air cathode
material for Li-air batteries by hydrothermal method. The composite materials of carbon and
manganese oxide were investigated by the implementation of X-ray diffraction, FE-SEM a
Keyword : L-air batteries, Coin type, Air electrode, Carbon and manganese oxide