Kab-Soo Lee, Hyun-Ho Cho이갑수, 조현호
Department of Environmental System Engineering, Kimpo College, Kimpo 415-761, Korea
School of Chemical & Biological Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul 143-701, Korea
(Current Address : GS Caltex Co., Daejeon, Korea)김포대학 환경시스템과
서울대학교 화학생물공학부(현소속 : GS Caltex(주))
In this paper, commercial CFD program FLUENT v5.3 is used for simulation of MCFC stack. Besides
using conservation equations included in FLUENT by default, mass change, mole fraction change and heat added
or removed due to electrochemical reactions and wa
Keyword : Molten carbonate fuel cell, Stack, Computational fluid dynamics, Numerical analysis