Vol.19, No.3, August 2016
Investigation of Al-Ni Alloys Deposition during Over-discharge
Reaction of Na-NiCl2 Battery
Jeongsoo Kim1,3, Seung Hwan Jo1*, Dae-In Park1, Sai Bhavaraju2, and Sang Ook Kang3
Reduction of Li4Ti5O12 Powder Agglomeration by the Addition
of Carbon Black during Solid-state Synthesis고상법을 사용한 Li4Ti5O12의 합성공정 중
카본블랙 추가를 통한 입자뭉침 억제
Duri Kim, Sang June Kang, Min Young Hong, and Ji Heon Ryu*
Characterization of SEI layer for Surface Modified Cathode of Lithium
Secondary Battery Depending on Electrolyte Additives전해질 첨가제에 따른 graphite 음극의 SEI분석 및
전기 화학적 특성 고찰
Sung Jin Lee1, Eun Hee Cha2*, and Soo A Lim3*
Enhanced High-Temperature Performance of LiNi0.6Co0.2Mn0.2O2
Positive Electrode Materials by the Addition of nano-Al2O3
during the Synthetic ProcessLiNi0.6Co0.2Mn0.2O2 양극 활물질의 합성공정 중
나노크기 알루미나 추가에 의한 고온수명 개선
Ji Min Park1, Daeun Kim1,2, Hae Bin Kim1, Joong Ho Bae1, Ye-Ji Lee1, Jae In Myoung1,
Eunkyoung Hwang1, Taeeun Yim3, Jun Ho Song4, Ji-Sang Yu4, and Ji Heon Ryu5*
Poly(phenanthrenequinone)-Poly(acrylic acid) Composite
as a Conductive Polymer Binder for Submicrometer-Sized
Silicon Negative Electrodes서브마이크로미터 크기의 실리콘 음극용 폴리페난트렌퀴논-
폴리아크릴산 전도성 고분자 복합 바인더
Sang-Mo Kim1, Byeongil Lee1, Jae Gil Lee1, Jeong Beom Lee1, Ji Heon Ryu2,
Hyung-Tae Kim1, Young Gyu Kim1, and Seung M. Oh1*
Electrochemical Reduction of Perchlorate Using Mercury
Film Electrode수은 막전극을 이용한 수용액 중 과염소산이온의
전기화학적 환원
Noseung Myung 1
, Eun Young Kim2, Hyung-Woo Jee2, Narae Keum2, Insook Rhee3, and Ki-Jung Paeng2
Electrochemical Properties of Ionic Liquid Composite
Poly(ethylene oxide)(PEO) Solid Polymer Electrolyte이온성 액체 복합 Poly(ethylene oxide)(PEO)
고체 고분자 전해질의 전기화학적 특성
Ji-Hyun Park and Jae-Kwang Kim
Development of Ionomer Binder Solutions
Using Polymer Grinding for Solid Alkaline Fuel Cells고분자 분쇄 기술을 활용한 고체 알칼리연료전지용
이오노머 바인더 용액 개발
Mun-Sik Shin†, Do-Hyeong Kim†, Moon-Sung Kang, and Jin-Soo Park
A CFD Modeling of Heat Generation and Charge-Discharge Behavior
of a Li-ion Secondary BatteryLi-ion 이차전지의 충방전 시 발열 및
충방전 특성의 CFD 모델링
Hyeji Kang*, Hongbeom Park, Kyoungho Han, and Do Young Yoon**